Speech of the President Delegate of the Supreme Council of The Judicial Power At the Regional Conference of African Women Judges under the theme: “Social and professional guarantees for African women judges … What approach
It is with great pride that we welcome you to this important African event which brings together a distinguished group of women judges of the Continentto the country of meetings, and to the scientific capital of Morocco, Fez
A meeting that carries the symbolism of time and the particularity of the place
Today, October 10, we commemorate as Moroccans the 16th anniversary of the nationalwomen’s day,which was announced by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, in his speech on the occasion of the adoption of the new Moroccan family code in October 2003 as a majorsocietal event, a pioneering Arab and African experience a key step in the path of women’sstruggle for their legitimate rights
As for the place,it is the city of Fez, home to the oldest university in the worldthat is still functioning without interruption,since it was founded in 859 A.C. by Fatima Fehria, a woman from this nation and continent who believed in her abilities and herpurposetrough educating minds that radiate with knowledge and fighting against ignorance, stereotypes and belittlingideas that women suffered at the time in different continents of the world
So, welcome your excellencies, African judges, as distinguished guests and dear colleagues, and congratulations to you for this strong international forum that includes more than 3,000 members belonging to 171 countries trying through it, to develop the human rights institutions and reinforce the capacities of women judges throughout the world
With my heartfelt thanks and congratulations to, the President of the International Federation of women judges, to the Attorney General of the International Criminal Court, to the President of the federation for peace and sustainable Development and to the President of the Moroccan federation of women judges, with whom I have the honor to share the opening session of this conference, with all my wishes for success for your work
Ladies and gentlemen
There is no doubt that Africa, which continues to make efforts to catch up with the emerging powers, is in imminent need for innovative and targeted initiatives and for coordinated efforts capable of ensuring theircontinuous effects
Our continentisasked today to invest in allits capabilities,especially its non-material capital, and to value its competencies, especially its women who possess qualifications, competencies and high skills
Here, it is necessary to recall with great pride the prodigious successes achieved by African women judges, which are not the result of chance, but the result of their excellence, their merit, their strong presence and their active contribution to various national and international judicial events over many years that have not always been lined up with flowers
But, it is also certain that despite all the tangible progress that the situation of African women judges has known, on a professional and social level, their journey remains hard and difficult under the shadows of socio-cultural and economic structures which put many obstacles and imposes many difficulties of different degrees from one country to another and limits the ideal implementation of equality and slows down the ambitious path of our fellow African judges
This requires all of us, as an international community, national officials or national actors, to put in place measures that value the role of women judges and to place them at the center of our national strategic plans that ensures the strengthening of their leadership position in society
That said, we will be looking with great interest at the ideas, visions and insights that will result from this important event that will, help us in developing the appropriate responses to key issues that hinder the efforts of women judges in Africa and limit their contributions as responsible and effective leaders in the justice’s performance
Africa that is changing today, desperately needs an independent, effective, transparent and sophisticated judiciary
Justice in Africa must now give equal opportunities to its daughters and sons to ensure the application of the law and the protection of rights and freedoms
The oath we take and the robes we dress in hide our identities and imposes the same ethics on all of us and, requires us, judges, to over look our nationalities, our gender, our social affiliation, intellectual or religious beliefs, and unite us all in the just application of the law and our dedication to work, to take care of solving the problems and controversies with competence and efficiency for a promising future for our continent
My colleagues, African judges
Let me share with you on this occasion my feelings of pride for the advanced journey that your fellow Moroccan judges have known since the accession of the first Moroccan woman judge to this Profession in 1961, only five years after the country’s independence
A journey inseparable from the context of the great transformations and great reforms that Morocco has experienced since the ascension of King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, to the Throne in 1999, where the question of women has become an issue of the homeland and the future of the nation
These Royal initiatives gave a great importance to the Moroccan women to anchor their high position and secure their legitimate rights alongside men, starting with the Family Code, and the establishment by the constitution of gender equality, and the implementation of laws protecting abused women and empowering women from tribal descent to receive their land and financial rights, allowing women to enter certain legal profession for the first time after it has been the prerogative of men, the reform of the Nationality Act and the ratification of many international conventions on women’s issues and other major reforms that have contributed to the establishment of women’s rights in Morocco
Due to these approaches, Moroccan women have been able to attain the highest positions of responsibility in various fields, from counselor of His Majesty to, ministers, party leaders parliamentarians, ambassadors, scientists, experts, information technology specialists, in sports, international artists and heads of institutions, organizations and major national associations
Women who created a gentle revolution in their fields and excelled in drawing paintings of excellence, seriousness and giving, they triumphed over all inhibitions and obstacles whatever their sources
This dynamic is also evident in the Moroccan women judge’s career, who account for about 25% of the total judges of the Kingdom
A path through which women were able to assume the highest positions of judicial administrative and associative responsibility, a number of whom hold the position of member of the Supreme Council of the Judicial power, heads of departments, heads of divisions and heads of services, some of them have been appointed to the Inspector’s General office of the judicial Power In addition, the Moroccan women judge is also a member of the Constitutional Court and is in positions of responsibility at the High Institute of Justice, and the Ministry of Justice and a number of other ministries, as well as, presidents of a number of chambers and sections at the Cassation Court
Some of them hold positions as presidents of normal, administrative and commercial trial courts, first presidents of the courts of appeals and prosecutors of the King. In the same way that they preside over different chambers of the courts themselves even in positions that were controlled by men and this without distinction to tasks or work, despite all the professional and social constraints
The Moroccan women judge has also proven their worth as a liaison judge in several European countries, such as Belgium, France and Spain, and has assumed responsibilities in International, and regional organizations and institutions of great importance
We can also objectively be proud of the unique Moroccan experience in the field of professional associative work, where we have two women judges associations, in addition to the important contribution of our women judges in the management and presidency of other professional associations that seek to build trust and ensure the dignity of judges and their status
It is certain that our ambitions are to break down all obstacles that hinder the development of the careers of our women judges and to pave the way for all those who have proven their worth and their merit in a positive and objective way
Dear Moroccan women judges
You are the pride of the family of justice, its conscience and the core of its jewel
Your ambition is a right
Your will is a weapon
Your dignity is a duty
Rest assured that together, we will build a better future for the new generations of women of this Country
Ladies and gentlemen
During your conference, you will discuss broad and sensitive topics that will raise profound issues and deep problematics of different dimensions that we all face as an African family unified by its values and hopes, which will require practical and objective answers from us to create equal opportunities for women that support their presence as a key element of reform of the judicial system
Of course, we are all convinced today that women are the most important key to development, progress, justice, dignity and equality in Africa
A meeting of this level and with these distinguished elites will certainly be a fundamental step and a new opportunity to discover new perspectives and build strong relationships between us for serious and effective cooperation that serves the great values we all believe in
Our continent needs strategic plans and serious projects united by clear practical coordination mechanisms that support cooperation and partnership between its various components, which we want to promote as the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power of Morocco and, our doors will always be open to your initiatives and suggestions
I am sure that during the days of this great international forum, you will be informed in more precise details not only about the legal, judicial and human rights level of the Moroccan women judges, but also about the human dimensions of this country, the Morocco of diversity, cultures, freedom and peace
The city of Fez, with all its national and international dimension, will assure you of the ambition of the Moroccan woman to face the challenges of the future by the force of the law, the country of institutions, citizen values and equality
Once again, welcome to all of you and my utmost wishes for the success of your conference
Thank you